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Assistive Devices

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Nayi Disha Team

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The objective of the ADIP scheme is to assist PwDs (Persons with Disabilities) in buying assistive devices.

Assistive devices for the special needs children include:

  • Educational Materials: Worksheets, workbooks, picture boards, charts, pencil grip to aid in writing skills, educational toys and games, blocks, models of common objects, letters, numerals etc.
  • Mobility aids like tricycles, wheelchairs, crutches walking sticks and walking frames/rotators, including modifications to suit the individual.
  • All types of prosthetic and orthotic devices
  • All types of surgical footwears and MCR chappals.
  • Need based special devices for performing Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
  • Any item advised by the Rehabilitation Professional or treating physician.

An indicative list of Assistive Devices can be found here:

The amount of assistance is as follows:

  1. For total Income up to Rs. 15,000 per month – Full cost of aid/appliance
  2. For total Income between 15,001 to 20,000 per month – 50% of the cost of aid/appliance
  3. Only those aids/appliances which do not cost more than Rs. 10,000/-are covered under the Scheme.
  4. However, for students with disability (SwDs), the limit is Rs. 12,000/- ( for devices which can cost up to 20,000) during their study period after IX standard.
  5. In the case of multiple disabilities, the limit will apply to individual items separately in case more than one aid/appliance is required
  6. Under the revised ADIP Scheme (w.e.f. 01.4.2014) motorized tricycles and wheelchairs are provided to severely disabled with extent of subsidy upto Rs.25,000/-. This will be provided to the persons of age of 18 years and above, once in ten years.
  7. Travelling cost would be admissible separately to the PwD and one escort limited to bus fare or railway, subject to a limit of Rs. 250/- each person,
    irrespective of number of visits to the centre.

For more details please refer to the Useful Links section .


  • Indian of any age
  • A 40% Disability certificate
  • Has monthly income from all sources not exceeding Rs 20,000 per month
  • In case of dependents, the income of parents/guardians should not exceed Rs. 20,000/- per month
  • Who have not received assistance during the last 3 years for the same purpose from any source.
  • However, for children below 12 years of age, this limit would be one year.

Note:- Income certificate of beneficiaries staying in orphanages and half-way homes etc. may be accepted on certification of District Collector or Head of the organization concerned. Such beneficiaries will be provided aids & appliances under this Scheme by Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO).


ADIP defines Implementing Agencies- the agencies that will be responsible for making suitable arrangements for fitting and post fitting care of aids and appliances distributed under this scheme.

The following agencies are eligible to implement the Scheme on behalf of Department of Disability Affairs:

  1. Societies and their branches, if any, registered separately under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
  2. Registered Charitable Trusts.
  3. Indian Red Cross Societies and other Autonomous Bodies headed by District Collector/Chief Executive Officer/District Development Officer.
  4. National/Apex Institutes, CRCs, RCs, District Disability RehabilitationCentres(DDRCs), National Trust, ALIMCO functioning under administrative control of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment/Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
  5. National/State Handicapped Development Corporation and Section 25 Companies in the Private Sector.
  6. Local Bodies – Zilla Parishad, Municipalities, District Autonomous Development Councils and Panchayats etc

This link provides details of implementing agencies across districts in Andhra Pradesh as sourced from:


  • PwD or their legal guardians have to approach the Implementing Agencies approved for disbursing the assistive devices.
  • Beneficiaries will be linked with Aadhar number or Ration Card or Voter Icard from 2014-15 and with Aadhar number from 2015-16

If you’re seeking more information and guidance on this topic and related areas, Nayi Disha’s Know Your Rights (KYR) Program is here to support you every step of the way. By joining, you’ll gain access to valuable resources on government schemes, benefits, financial support, legal rights, and more, all aimed at securing a brighter future for your child. To learn more, visit our chatbot by clicking this link:, or simply type ‘KYR’ on our helpline number 844-844-8996.

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