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Guide to address nutritional needs of children with Down Syndrome

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Individuals with special needs can have unique nutrition requirements and challenges. Especially with regard to what they can eat or cannot eat. Often, by mindfully understanding the impact that certain foods have on a specific aspect of a child’s health, can help the child improve his/her quality of life. So, in this booklet we have attempted to create a guide to address nutritional needs of children with Down Syndrome. We have addressed health challenges faced by children with special needs in our first booklet. You may access it here. The booklet focuses on common nutrition challenges faced by children with developmental disabilities, in general.

In the second booklet we have attempted to address specific nutritional needs of children with Down syndrome. Children with Down syndrome can have unique food requirements based on their condition-specific body constitution. For e.g.. Children with Down syndrome are more prone to obesity, and require dietary alternations to prevent unwanted weight gain. Children with Down syndrome are often intolerant to cow milk protein. Hence, they may benefit from avoiding dairy-based products. (child-specific, case-specific, so seek guidance from a nutritionist or Pediatrician before removing diary products from your child’s diet)

The booklet also provides tips for wholesome dishes. These can be prepared ensuring adequate water, nutrients and fibre are consumed by your child. As these are important for proper growth and development.

Please download the booklet and gain information on guide to address and understand nutritional needs of children with down syndrome

Acknowledgements :We thank our volunteers from Synchrony FinancialMs.Prerana Chouk & Ms.Shruthi Kelkar for the time and effort taken towards translation of this content from English to Hindi.

If you have questions about Autism, Down Syndrome, ADHD, or other intellectual disabilities, or have concerns about developmental delays in a child, the Nayi Disha team is here to help. For any questions or queries, please contact our FREE Helpline at 844-844-8996. You can call or what’s app us.

DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer claims that none of the content in this booklet is in anyway deemed as medical advice, and be treated for information purposes only

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