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This is how I manage! An assessment of my need for help and support

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Many people need help or support so that they can cope with their everyday lives. The booklet above, This is how I manage! An assessment of my need for help and support will help you to think about what kind of help or support you need. When you fill in the form it will contain information about what you can do on your own and where you need help or support.

The information collected in this form will help provide the right kind of help or support you need. You can fill the form on your own or together with a family member or carer, or with a professional who knows you well. The form has four parts:

  • Who am I?
  • Questions about my need for help and support
  • Summary of all questions, in this summary form you can make a summary of your need for help and support.
  • Comments from family members or carers

This is how I manage! An assessment of my need for help and a support booklet is prepared by KVPS (Service Foundation for People with an Intellectual Disability). You can also check out the template to record strengths and challenges for your children. 

If you have questions about Autism, Down Syndrome, ADHD, or other intellectual disabilities, or have concerns about developmental delays in a child, the Nayi Disha team is here to help. For any questions or queries, please contact our FREE Helpline at 844-844-8996. You can call or what’s app us. Our counselors speak different languages including English, Hindi, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, and Bengali.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this guide is for information purposes only. 

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