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Specific nutritional needs of children with special needs


Ms.Shruti Kelkar

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Many children with disabilities have health issues that can impact their nutritional well-being and eating habits. This makes meeting your child’s nutritional needs even more important. It is therefore important to understand the specific nutritional needs of children with special needs.

We have created a booklet that addresses the Dos and Don’ts to help tackle common food-related challenges commonly seen in children with special needs.

Note: Many thanks to Dr Nina Vaidya for reviewing the booklet and giving us valuable feedback

Use this toolkit to keep a food diary of your child’s nutritional challenges. You can freely download this nutrition booklet that gives an overview of common nutritional needs that children with Down Syndrome often face, and ways to manage it through dietary changes.

If you have questions about Autism, Down Syndrome, ADHD, or other intellectual disabilities, or have concerns about developmental delays in a child, the Nayi Disha team is here to help. So, for any questions or queries, please contact our FREE Helpline at 844-844-8996. You can either call or what’s app us. Our counselors speak different languages including English, Hindi, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, and Bengali.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this guide is for information purposes only. Please consult a qualified health practitioner for safe management.

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