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Dismantling Ableism: Embracing Diversity and Celebrating Abilities

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Keerthana Kolli
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Key Takeaways:

Inclusivity and appreciation for diverse abilities are essential in dismantling ableism, a form of discrimination against individuals with disabilities. This bias often stems from stereotypes and preconceived notions about abilities. By championing inclusivity, promoting accessibility, and recognizing the unique contributions of every individual, we can create a more positive and understanding society. Addressing ableism involves breaking down barriers, advocating for equal rights, and fostering an environment that celebrates the strengths and potential within each person, regardless of their abilities.

The above slideshow captures the shared experiences of Keerthana, a proud parent. In her own words, she shares a few lines about her journey.

“I have said it out loud! That I know it’s not easy to have this conversation… But it is the truth that IT HURTS…

But it’s okay… We need you so we can take it…
So I will say “yes she is” and smile back to you, even if there is hurt inside…
In reality my daughter is her beautiful self and she will keep growing however she chooses to be… JUST LIKE ANY OTHER CHILD…
Not to fancy me or you…
It’s going to be her own way… The unique one…

Till then as a parent it’s my job to prepare the world to embrace her.”

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