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The Autism Bubble

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Vimal Balachander
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Key Takeaways:

Entering the Autism Bubble

The word autism comes from Auto- in greek meaning self.. self ism. In fact, this is quite opposite to what autism really is – because there is no ‘self’ in it-there is no personality in it- no one building skills, abilities, the SELF. Instead one sees a child who is totally living in a bubble unable to deal with others or build something of himself. The only way to have a relationship with the child is to enter his bubble. Not to prick that bubble, not to make him come out of the bubble- just enter it.

But what does that even mean?

When you enter the bubble, you see what he is for the first time.

You watch how he thinks, and understand why he acts the way he does. When you do something to help him, you do it as teamwork, as a facilitator.

This bubble welcomes all compassionate non-violent people. It gives space to all, it is cooperative living.

There is no anger in this bubble only joy.  There are no comparisons, no anxiety, no jealousies. There is no getting somewhere in it either. It’s living without time. There are only moments in this world.

It’s a world of peace and harmony of love and companionship. 

You are a parent/ sibling/friend/ relative.

Can you enter this bubble? 

Watch what happens when you try to pull this child out of his bubble- push him to compete, push him to establish a ‘self’ to be ‘better’.. he is full of fear- he is in a world he doesn’t know or understand.  He doesn’t understand sarcasm, contempt, shrewdness. He has no tools, no weapons to deal with the world.

Throughout the last half-century, since autism was discovered, method after method has been invented to break the autism bubble. For what?

‘It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. ‘Jiddu Krishnamurti

Yet, it is all we are doing.

It’s time we heal ourselves to enter and live in the autism bubble.


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