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Autism – An Unsolved Mystery

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Key Takeaways:

Swarna Prabha Pandian is the mother of an autistic child and an ABA professional, who shared Autism management tips through this article.

As a parent of a child on the autism spectrum, I have come to accept them as a neurodiverse population. We all are born with certain differences. Some are visible and some are not. The differences in these children are more visible because of certain mannerisms and characteristics.

Though my son achieved all his milestones at the appropriate time, some of the differences which I started noticing around 12 months were – not responding when we called his name, lack of eye contact, being spaced out, no babbling, recurring sleep issues, chronic constipation, no imitating gestures like clapping or pointing. Being a professional working with the differently-abled children, I have noticed similar traits like lack of eye contact, zero sitting tolerance, some are fixated with different objects like switching on and off the light switches, fixation with cars and lining them up, hand flapping, making a repetitive sound vocally.

To read more, please visit the original link on ETV Bhatat. 

Disclaimer: Article republished here with prior permission from the author 

Read another blog here: Autism & the Dad Factor

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