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Baatein Karo! Podcast series by Saarthi

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Key Takeaways:

Communication is the key in any relationship. It becomes very necessary for a parent and a sibling of a child/adult with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) to understand each other. Parents and siblings may have different thinking patterns and concerns, whatever those are, it is necessary to have ‘the conversations’.

Saarthi (Sibling Support Network, India) is conducting an activity for parents and siblings: “Baatein Karo” where interaction between a mother/father & sister/brother happens on the topics like future planning, marriage, responsibilities, etc. which otherwise get sidelined. It is a small step towards ‘opening up’ for both!

Tune in to Spotify to listen to our ongoing podcast series.

Baatein Karo ! E1 (Hindi) : “Developing understanding with parents”


Listen to Suvi and her Mummy talk about something very important and realize how they both nurture a good understanding between themselves by sharing their concerns.

Baatein Karo ! E2 (English) : “Different perspectives : Parents vs Siblings”


Listen to Priyanka and her mom talk about different takes on their lives as caregivers and on the future of Priyanka’s younger sister Divyanka who has autism.

Baatein Karo ! E3 (Hindi) : “Koi bhi zarurat ho, aap reachout karoge na ? “


Listen to Shreya and her mom talk about the selfless journey of a Supermom to the importance of self-care and the importance of reaching out in case of any hurdle…Parents give their body and soul in managing and balancing the needs of their typical child and the disabled child. Parents generally tend to think that nobody can take care of their disabled child as they can…. but siblings also have to tell them that: We are there! And strike a deal that in case any help is required we are there for each other just like friends…

Follow us on Spotify and our social media to remain updated ! 🙂

Saarthi: Sibling Support Network India is a community of siblings of children/adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) and other disabilities. Siblings can connect with other siblings , voice out their experiences, share their journey and tips that helped them along, seek mental health support , initiate steps towards future planning and get decision making support and also participate in research on sibling studies.

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If you are a sibling based in India or of Indian Origin, we welcome you to join Saarthi ! 🙂 Please fill the form :




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