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Hope, Special Needs and Dhruv

Suja Pisharody
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Key Takeaways:

We are going through some really difficult times and it is tough on all of us especially our kids and more so if they have special needs and need a routine.

Ever since the school closed I had explained to Dhruv about Corona Virus and why we cannot go out. I have been keeping him meaningfully engaged with some schedule every day so that he doesn’t feel lost. Having said that he is a kid who loves to go out and meet people and he was feeling down with school, special Ed, therapy, and even his music school being closed. As it was weighing on his mind I sat down with him and explained once again. I tried to have a conversation with him to gauge his feelings and told him I was feeling bad we could not go out and asked him how he was feeling. He said he was fine and then I asked him if he knew why everything was closed and he said, “Yes Corona Virus.” I asked him if he could tell me what were the things he enjoyed doing at home and he came up with a list that blew me away.

I thought to myself in spite of his Autism and love for routine, Dhruv managed to find happiness in things at home so why can’t I learn from him? Felt happy I am raising a child who is able to handle changes in life in a positive way. And isn’t that what we want for our kids?

Sharing Dhruv’s list in his words.

I am enjoying helping amma,
I enjoyed listening to Gully Boy ( we watched the movie yesterday ).
I am enjoying practicing ( music),
I am enjoying doing the prayers.
I am enjoying telling the answers,
I am enjoying closing my ears while Achan ( dad) was doing the mixie.
I am enjoying checking the time,
I am enjoying vegetables.
I am enjoying reading Goldilocks,
I am enjoying listening to Gajananam( a prayer )
I am enjoying washing hands, mouth, face, legs, and feet.
I am enjoying drinking Tang,
I am enjoying giving Achan Amma group hugs.
I am enjoying to sing a nice sing,
I am enjoying getting tickled by Amma and Achan.
I am enjoying sharing, thinking and imagining.( Ok, this one stunned me too )
I am enjoying hide and seek with Achan and Amma,
I am enjoying calling Achanji and Amma( his grandparents)
I am enjoying doing some work in the kitchen,
I am doing doing the clips on the back ( OT at home)
I am enjoying watching Narendra Modi,
I am enjoying clapping my hands in the balcony.
I am enjoying learning the clock,
I am enjoying using the fork with water melon.
I am enjoying drinking milk in the morning and also in the evening.
I am enjoying eating breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I am enjoying laughing,
I am enjoying counting one to hundred.
I am enjoying Brave Touch the sky ( song )
I am enjoying getting the joke,
I am enjoying ghazals ( Jagjit Singh)


Read more on Using Teachable Moments to Teach My Son with Autism

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