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Kids With Disability Are Still Children First – Blog from The Swaddle

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Jo Chopra
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Key Takeaways:

“Children First” is a truism, one of those phrases we all believe and think we actually practice. Coupled with women — as in “Women and Children First” — it was famously not practiced as the Titanic sank and upperclassmen scrambled to reach the lifeboats with scant regard for the little ones being trampled underfoot.

We wouldn’t do that now, would we?

As a rule for life, “Children First” is one of the most sensible and comprehensive. A culture that disregards its children is a culture with a death wish. But there is something just a tiny bit preachy about it, too. Like it shouldn’t really need to be said.

And yet, we all know it does need to be said. Over and over. Children First! Children are our most precious resource, the easiest to bruise, the most disastrous to mess up. They are foundational to our existence, our future. We really have to get it right.

To read more, please visit the original link on The Swaddle. 

Disclaimer: Article republished here with prior permission from The Swaddle.

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