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Morphic Fields, Special Needs and Evolution – A Theory

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Vimal Balachander
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Morphic Fields, Morphic Resonance, Special needs, and Human Evolution- How I integrate these ideas.

Morphic Fields, a scientific phenomenon brought to the forefront by famous evolutionary biologist Rupert Sheldrake, refers to a ‘form’ making ‘plan’ that exists in the electromagnetic atmosphere surrounding anything that is growing. From the formation of a tree from a single seed, or a human baby from an embryo, Sheldrake suggests there exists a morphic field in which the prototype ‘plan’ of the new being already exists which helps in forming it.

In an experiment in which the egg of a newt was tied halfway and thus destroyed, it was seen that the newt still fully developed in the other half, even though that half probably did not have all the genetic information to fully form the newt. Sheldrake suggests, take for example the cells in the human embryo, that form hands, are the same as those that form the legs too, but then how is it that there is so much difference in shape and appearance between hand and legs? What causes this difference to arise? Sheldrake says that the human embryo is not forming on the basis of genes alone- in fact, the gene theory is now debunked since man has the same number of genes as a worm, rather it’s the morphic field surrounding the embryo that actually helps inform it.

But what are these fields? Can they be detected? Sheldrake suggests that these fields are like magnetic fields around magnets, a phenomenon easily depicted by iron fillings. But there are no ‘iron fillings’ yet discovered that can prove morphic fields. This matter can only be inferred from what is happening around us.

Today a very large number of children born, seem to have many missing links and seem to need a lot of assistance in their development and support, even in their adult life. Views for this preponderance vary from that these are mistakes of nature to that these are higher souls, taking birth to pull the hapless parent to a higher vibration. That is, the views vary from rank materialism to spirituality. But what is really the truth?

Statistics reveal that the rate of autism is now 1 in every 55 children. It seems odd that nature would make so many mistakes. Or that so many children would come as ‘bad karma’ for their parents.

Is it possible that these special needs children, not just those who are autistic, but all those other syndromes, dyslexics, and other learning impaired children be by-products of nature’s experiments to develop a more evolved form of humanity?

We parents of special children notice certain commonalities that exist in our children pan special needs, like their having unconditional love, a self-sufficient state of inner calm, non-ambitiousness, non-competitiveness, living in the now, authentic living, love for the arts, love for nature, tolerance for others, etc. Yet it’s also true that these children are learning impaired. But time and again some mothers who worked diligently for years with these children have been able to teach and improve this aspect. Today there are enough occupation therapists, special educators, and doctors working on improving these children’s attention spans, skills, and knowledge. Yet only a marginal few can claim to have made a special child fully independent. Most will remain dependent on their families for survival, till the end.

So how can one say Nature’s experiments are successful? How can a dependent form of humanity be good?

That is true, but special needs children are just the evolving humanity. With each generation, mothers and professionals working on various techniques with consistency and diligence are creating morphic fields which make learning easier for future special children. We see this in the new babies that are born today who seem hardwired to know how to use their parents’ smartphones. Only morphic fields can explain this new skill in babies. Morphic resonance suggests that if something has occurred once, it’s easier for it to occur again. For example, at one point it was a great human feat to conquer Everest. Today there appears to be a queue to reach the same exalted peak! Yes, better equipment is one reason, but improvement in human skills for this task is also one reason, which may be due to morphic resonance.

Today world over, almost every problem has a support group rallying around it, be it cancer or acid survivors, or domestic abuse victims. The internet is the age of communities. It’s the age where learning and sharing have become a cakewalk. At one point, knowledge was a premium, but today it’s only a click away. People are sharing solutions to their difficulties like never before. Morphic resonance is changing humanity at an unprecedented rate.

In the next few hundred years, it may not be that a ‘cure’ for autism will be detected, but what may happen is that the new autistic child will not be so learning impaired, will have all those great qualities discussed earlier, like non-competitiveness, etc, along with abilities which make him or her completely self-reliant and independent. What am suggesting is that nature seems to work on developing the ‘qualities’ in human beings, not just in developing human intelligence. Because it’s these qualities that provide a sustainable life for the planet. For the time being, in nature’s experiments, the children appear to have enhanced inner qualities but are poor survival needs for learning and adapting to the environment.

This is where the very important role of the special mother comes in.

Today’s hardworking conscientious special mother is through the patterns that she creates in the morphic fields making the lives of all future special moms easier. Future special children will learn faster and adapt quicker, and the sensorial sensitivities may reduce. It may seem horrifying to some that an entire race may become ‘autistic’ but that is because we define autism in its deficiencies, if the deficiencies are removed and the great qualities still exist, that race would probably be the first truly spiritually peaceful race on earth! But we are many tens of thousands of years away from that.

So even if the child does not develop at a satisfactory pace, and may never be fully independent, special moms have a unique role in evolution according to me and every effort towards improvement is meaningful and useful.

Reading material- A New Science of Life’ – By Rupert Sheldrake.


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