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Reservation in Government jobs- Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPWD) Act Government Circular January 2018

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Swaminathan Rajan
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Key Takeaways:

One of the salient features of the RPWD Act 2017 was reservation in Government jobs.

This was there prior to the recent act too, at 3% but covered mainly physical, hearing, and vision-related disabilities (there was no reservation for intellectual disabilities or mental retardation as it was called then). This reservation was to be across all grades of Government jobs i.e. A, B, C, and D. (Very broadly Group A is IAS, B other officers and Assistants, C clerks and D peons, and others).

Post-RPWD this reservation has been extended to all disabilities, with built-in sub-quotas for a set of disabilities.
The sets are:

(A) blindness and low vision;

(B) deaf and hard of hearing;

(C)  locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims, and muscular dystrophy;

(D) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability, and mental illness;

(e) multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness,

The reservation is for all grades i.e. right from IAS officers to peons. Certain posts are identified for each category, though again RPWD disabilities including Autism and intellectual disabilities did not find a mention.

The old classification of posts is outlined in

(There is always a catch. Joseph Heller would like to see the civil servants come out with a list of posts suitable for ID, Autism, and MI in Group A and B. Jokes apart some pressure groups need to take it up with National Trust and MoSJE).
Please note that a disability certificate from a Govt hospital is needed and the disability % is a minimum of 40% for RPWD coverage.
The reservation circular was issued as a draft in 2017 and the actual circular was issued in 2018. Attaching both files.

A request, please forward it to all parents of kids who are/have cleared 10th/12th/grade for these are the minimum qualifications for Government jobs normally. And we can start dreaming about an IAS officer with Autism. (I have met at least three boys who in my view have the potential, two in college and one in 12th- not naming them due to burden of expectation syndrome).

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