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Strategies to Improve Working Memory using Simple Sounds

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Gowri Vidhya
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Key Takeaways:

While on a speech therapy session at home, working with my son on sound transitions, we got the idea of using this technique for improving working memory or short-term memory. It’s fun and serves a dual purpose.

One is working with sound transitions, targeting oromotor skills and another one is targeting the working memory of the child. This is quite interesting for children who are still learning to speak or are partially verbal!

– initially choose two sounds like m, p

– ask the child to repeat the sounds and work towards a clear distinction of the sounds.

– gradually add another sound m,p,b

– ask the child to repeat the sounds

– you are free to prompt the child by pressing his/her corner of the lips for uttering ‘p’, a gesture like applying lip balm for the sound ‘m’ and so on.

– Add another sound to the series m,p,b,o

– All of the above sounds help in stretching, retracting, and rounding of lips.

– Change the order!

– Add more sounds as and when the skill is mastered.

Remember, all the sounds have to be uttered together by the child in the sequence uttered by you!

A simple, yet more powerful activity that targets working memory and oromotor skills. Good luck



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