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Tales of Saarthi: Drishti & Prarthana

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I am Drishti Chadha and this is my sister Prarthana who has down syndrome. Prarthana is this fun, loving happy go lucky girl. Everybody loves to be around her because she’s fun to be with. We are more than just sisters. We’ve been best friends for years now. Those who fight with each other but are always there to save the other when mom is angry. She’s two years elder to me but doesn’t make me feel less than a mother to her. My mom always keeps telling me that having such a child you can never be off duty. You have to always linger around her to see she’s doing nothing wrong. .

Prarthana is very sensitive, emotional and caring. She loves making friends. She just wants somebody as company every moment. She is an extrovert. She is very outgoing in nature, so much that she goes and wishes an unknown person in public if she sees they’re cutting a cake. She loves going to the mall, it’s her favourite place. She loves going to the pool. She loves her papa more than anything or any person in this world. Even doraemon cannot replace her love for papa. Prarthana doesn’t sleep until papa comes and talks her to sleep. Their love is the most purest form of love ever. She has now become more sensible than before. She understands the problems we face as a family.

In matters of finance she is still innocent. Like, when we both go outside and if she sees pizza anywhere, she’ll be like i want pizza (pizza is her favourite food) and when I say no, then she’ll open her purse and say “paise hai” , even if she has like 20 rupees. It’s tough for me to make her understand then. It’s funny sometimes. Even when we have fights at home, her innocence and love makes us laugh. Whenever she feels lonely she talks to god and prays that all of us are happy and replies saying that god has said yes. She cries at times when she sees all three of us fighting and prays to god to make everything okay. We share a really great bond together and can’t really imagine life without her
@thedancerdowns @drishti_chadha910
#downsyndrome #specialsiblings #downsyndromeawareness

Saarthi: Sibling Support Network India is a community of siblings of children/adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) and other disabilities. Siblings can connect with other siblings , voice out their experiences, share their journey and tips that helped them along, seek mental health support , initiate steps towards future planning and get decision making support and also participate in research on sibling studies.

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Disclaimer: Drishti left for her heavenly abode in June 2021.



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