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Tales of Saarthi : Parth and his twin sisters Vishruti – Vishruta

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Parth came into our life when I and my twin sister were 12. Parth and his twin sisters Vishruti - Vishruta

I still remember the day I first saw him, this tiny little, innocent angel with the purest form of calmness on his face. From that day onwards, he became the center of our universe, almost as though there was no life before he was born. Our days suddenly became about ‘coming back to him’ from school, tuition, or any event.

To love others unconditionally, selflessly takes courage. And if there’s one person who I see this courage in abundance, it’s my brother Parth. Whenever I am unwell or feeling a little blue, he would come and give me a tight hug. And all my blues would go away. It is unbelievable how his one touch, one hug, one smile, one “I love you di” has so much power.

I am in awe of how he can meet somebody for the first time with utmost affection and make an instant connection that can last forever. I am in awe of how he can find happiness in the smallest of small things and be just as happy for others too.

How ironic it is that the one thing he and kids like him have in plenty is also the one thing they need the most from the people around – Kindness.
So as you can brother does not have special needs, he has special powers!

#downsyndrome #siblings #specialsiblings #downsyndromeawareness #special_needs_siblings

Saarthi: Sibling Support Network India is a community of siblings of children/adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) and other disabilities. Siblings can connect with other siblings , voice out their experiences, share their journey and tips that helped them along, seek mental health support , initiate steps towards future planning and get decision making support and also participate in research on sibling studies.

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Read another blog on siblings: Tales of Saarthi: Sharayu and Chinmay Mirji

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