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Tales of Saarthi : Priyanka and Divyanka Swaminathan

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Key Takeaways:

I remember going to meet my sister Divyanka in the hospital, I couldn’t contain my excitement of meeting my new born sister. She was a bundle of joy and cuteness ????

As a toddler she did all the naughty things like tearing my books apart, pouring ink on my certificates, scribbling on my desk and walls ????


After being diagnosed with PDD-NOS at the age of three, we would go with her to numerous therapies and counseling sessions. Everyone told me only one thing become more mature and responsible, don’t burden your parents now. They never told me “how”.

Divyanka’s presence made me slowly understand and appreciate greater things in life and how having unbounded faith and love can do wonders. Although I didn’t know about autism, I slowly started understanding her and appreciating her presence. I learned how to deal with my emotions, I learned to not only stand up for myself but for my sister and my family. I learned how not to take things for granted, the ability to type this story out is also a blessing. I worked towards becoming financially independent and responsible and accountable for my decisions.

I might have never asked Divya for her help but guess what through all my milestones she has been there for me. Dropping me to school, tuition, sitting with me in my room and looking at me prepare for board exams, waiting for me to come back from college and then listening to my story about my day, seeing me go away to another city for studies and still be so satisfied and happy with one video call and wait for me to come back from long work hours and just ask me to lie down with her.

She might not be perfect according to the diagnosis but she has been the perfect younger sister to me without even anyone telling her “how”.

Right now as I am at a stage looking forward to settling and meeting a partner of my choice – I always tell the groom or the family – Divyanka is my numero uno priority if you cannot accept her and my support for her. I don’t have space for you in my life. This will remain my stance forever ❤️

Read another blog: Telling Your Child About Autism

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