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Tales of Saarthi: Revati and Nandini Rajwade

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Key Takeaways:

My younger sister Nandini is a girl who enjoys sugar, spice, and everything nice just like the Powerpuff girls! Nandini often amazes us with her vocabulary, precision of thoughts, and determination. She is immaculate in all her work but also has all the typical obsessive traits of Down’s Syndrome.

Since 2018, she has been working at Café Arpan (@cafearpan) and other initiatives by the Yash Charitable Trust (Mumbai) which has given her a sense of independence and fulfillment. She enjoys going to ‘work’ mainly because I go to work and aping me is one of her goals. It would be silly to say that the bond we share is the same as any two sisters because often it is way more than that. If I am worried she is quick to gauge and ask ‘Why are you so tense?’

We share a common love for watching Bollywood movies. She, however, goes to the theatre as much for the popcorn as for the movie. Food is an integral part of her life and her motto is ‘Don’t eat just to live, live to eat!’ We, as a family often wonder if she may get fat just ‘thinking’ about food. However, she never eats chocolate without offering me a piece.

Nandini is the typical millennial with an aptitude for technology. To my horror and amazement, she had even managed to open her own Twitter account. She is advanced in terms of diary writing as she provides detailed accounts of her day via WhatsApp or emails to our relatives. Our life is full of colors and continuous action, thanks to her. Without her it is nothing!

#specialsiblings #downsyndrome #cafearpan #special_needs_siblings #downsyndromerocks #downsyndromeawareness #inclusion

Saarthi: Sibling Support Network India is a community of siblings of children/adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) and other disabilities. Siblings can connect with other siblings , voice out their experiences, share their journey and tips that helped them along, seek mental health support , initiate steps towards future planning and get decision making support and also participate in research on sibling studies.

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Read about another sibling bong on Tales of Saarthi: Riddhi & Prathana Gulati

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