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Tales of Saarthi: Shreyas and Sindhuri

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Key Takeaways:

No words can describe the joy of having a brother/sister around to annoy, support and carry one another through the early years and eventually into adulthood. I remember having a huge list of expectations as a kid about how my partner in crime would engage in outdoor activities, have my back in fights, spend summers just lazing about, cover my lies in case I got caught doing something I shouldn’t have been or even better: participate in the deed with me. I wasn’t the least bit jealous that someone else was going to take the attention away from me. In fact, I was going to be the overprotective brother who would do anything to keep my sibling from harm. .

Tales of Saarthi: Shreyas and Sindhuri
Life with my sister has been in many ways a little different from the picture described above but never disappointing. As we grew up together, I knew and came to understand more about her every day. Her path would not be a normal one, it would be special. It didn’t matter what anyone said about her capabilities. With time, came a positive response to training in an encouraging environment. She is still proving that she’s more than able to handle a task assigned to her. Although it proved difficult at times to watch her go through her own life differently than her peers, I still take comfort in the fact that a deeply caring person like her has a family that cares about her more. I am happy to have her as my sister and close friend.

Saarthi: Sibling Support Network India is a community of siblings of children/adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) and other disabilities. Siblings can connect with other siblings , voice out their experiences, share their journey and tips that helped them along, seek mental health support , initiate steps towards future planning and get decision making support and also participate in research on sibling studies.

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If you are a sibling based in India or of Indian Origin, we welcome you to join Saarthi ! 🙂 Please fill the form :

Sindhuri had slow milestones (low IQ). She cleared her 10th exam through NIOS. Learnt computers and us working as a data operator and trainer in an NGO called AMBA (Bengaluru). Tales of Saarthi: Shreyas and Sindhuri 1f642

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