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Tales of Saarthi: Sneha & Anshu

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Key Takeaways:

19 March 2011, I was 7 years old when my brother was born. I went to the hospital and saw Anshu lying in the hospital bassinet. It was the best day of my life. I was so happy, had no idea where the next couple of days would take us.

2 days later he was operated on. Later he went to CMC Vellore for further treatments and operation with my parents. Anshu had major surgeries. Anshu’s first birthday was celebrated in the hospital. I was with my grandparents and kept asking when will he come back. I was too young to understand any of it.

I was around 11 years old when I began to understand that Anshu had Down’s syndrome. I knew he found it harder to talk, was slower at running, and did not go to the same school as the rest of us. He has had to overcome difficult times that I didn’t have to experience. He had to work at things that I had taken for granted.

Anshu loves his life and has a wicked sense of humor. He’s sweet, caring and loves listening to songs. He tries his best to communicate but he can only say a handful of words. Some things you can only understand if you spend enough time with him.

His knowledge is less, his speech is less, but his emotions are heightened.

My relationship with Anshu is pretty much the same as most siblings. Sometimes he cooperates and sometimes he doesn’t want to be near me. He is affectionate but can still get moody to the point where he doesn’t want me in his room. Other times he is so clingy and follows me around the house. Either way, I love him completely. He is the strongest person I’ve ever seen. Life with him is so fun.

He is the reason our house is filled with much love and laughter. I can’t imagine my life without him. He is certainly my whole world. I know all of our lives would be completely different if he didn’t have Down syndrome. I am happy God gave us Anshu. I am grateful that he was created this way.

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