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Tales of Saarthi: Twinkle & Vivanshu

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Hello everyone I am Twinkle and this is my elder brother Vivanshu (or you can call him Tasu), a Down syndrome child. He is not with us anymore but no one can ever take his space.


We are 3 siblings and he is obviously both the sister’s favorite sibling. Both of us loved spending time with him. As I am the younger one sometimes he would not like Mumma didi love me more than him which was quite cute.


He couldn’t speak and express his feelings properly thus a lot of times he would bang his head on the wall and then there would be a panic in our house. He had a specific spot in the house where he used to sit and listen to the radio all day and night long. Yes all night long too, he used to be up all night listening to music with the lights on and in the same room we used to sleep and my sister used to study for exams. Love made all the difficulties easy.


He loved music, lights, and cars. During Durga Puja, he used to sit in the back seat of the car looking outside at the beautiful lighting from the back glass with the music on and enjoying it to the fullest. He would get all excited if we told him that we are going on a drive. He loved being in the swimming pool and playing in the water. Chocolates, ice-creams, biscuits, Maggie were his favorite. Sometimes being happy he would start dancing. He had some unbelievable qualities like being extremely neat and clean, being precise with everything he would do, and being a very keen observer of whatever was happening around him.

We are blessed to have a member like him. This family of 5 will always be incomplete without him. I am sure he is happy wherever he is.

#specialsibling #specialneedssiblings #specialneedssiblingsrock #special_needs_siblings #specialsiblings #intellectualdisabilities #developmentaldisabilities #downsyndrome #disability

Saarthi: Sibling Support Network India is a community of siblings of children/adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) and other disabilities. Siblings can connect with other siblings , voice out their experiences, share their journey and tips that helped them along, seek mental health support , initiate steps towards future planning and get decision making support and also participate in research on sibling studies.

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