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Understand #TogetherWeCan Initiative

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“TogetherWeCan” in Kochi, Kerala has filed a Public Interest Litigation to bring about regulation in therapies for children with neurological disabilities. The group constitutes of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other neurological disabilities, a few professionals working in the field, and other like-minded people.

The litigation pleads for the following from the government.

1. To regulate and monitor the practices within therapy practices for children with neurological disabilities, which are currently unethical and non-standardized.

2. To ensure affordable and easily accessible therapies by government bodies to facilitate early identification and intervention for children with neurological disabilities

3. To make all therapies inclusive of the parent to facilitate their training and ensure a home program which is crucial for the progress in the child.

4. To put an end to closed-door therapy practices which are rampant and it makes children with communication difficulties vulnerable to any form of abuse or neglect. A safe learning environment is a basic right of any child.

5. To ensure CCTV or one-way screen during therapy practices where the child is not in a position to communicate what happens inside. This also proves as evidence and comes in handy during any inspection particularly if the parents in not inside.

6. To bring out some standardization on the assessment of disabilities so that the parents are not forced to redo the assessments at the very center by spending huge sums of money

7. To mandate effective documentation in all therapies for each session as each session is for 45 minutes to one hour.

8. To curb and keep a check on non-professionals offering treatment and giving fake promises of cure to parents who succumb to such claims due to lack of awareness and ignorance.

9. To ensure that the therapy centers/hospital working with children with Autism and other neurological disabilities lay down the best practices and qualifications of therapists so that parents can make an informed choice.

10. To bring about a quick redressal of complaints by parents if any that they face difficulties

It is highlighted that the group is approaching the court with the grievance that the recommendations of the Kerala State Commission for Protection of Child Rights which was passed in lieu of our petition have not been implemented yet.

Delayed justice is denied justice and we hope our belief in the judiciary will be reinstated and a judgment passed in favor of thousands of children with Autism and other neurological disabilities.

Parents, please come forward and support this matter. As we experienced here, parents are reluctant to complain due to their extreme dependency on these therapies. This situation is taken advantage of by the therapists leaving children who cannot voice for themselves in great distress. Surprise checks to any center would reveal the reality.

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