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Milind Sonawane
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Milind Sonawane

Exp: 26 Years
Speech Therapist
Qualification: Master’s degree in Audiology and Speech Language Therapy from the University of Mysore, India
Consultations: In-person  
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  • Milind Sonawane is a Audiologist and Speech therapist based out of Ireland. But he still works with clinics, teacher training colleges, medical colleges and various NGO’s in India on consultative basis in the area of capacity building, setting services and educating relevant staff and family members through regular visits and via internet via Skype.

    He is also a consultant SLT with NeuroHero company producing clinically useful apps for people with speech and language difficulties called “talk around it”. His work has been instrumental in developing first Hindi app called Hamari Vaani.

    He is certified and validated to work in India, Singapore and Ireland (EU) countries. He works as a part of a MDT team of professionals working with as an Inter disciplinary team based approach. He is certified and practice various evidence based techniques such as PECS, Visual Supports, Autism Diagnosis, DISCO & ADOS, floor time etc. .He is a board member with Arunima in Uttarakhand which is a residential service for adults with Autism

  • Services :
    • Assessments
    • Audiology
    • Consultation
    • Speech Therapy

    Conditions Served :
    • Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
    • Cerebral Palsy (CP)
    • Down Syndrome (DS)
    • Global Developmental Delay (Earlier term was MR)
    • Learning Disabilities (LD)
    • Multiple Disabilities (MD)
    • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

    Age Group : 0 - 5 years ,13 - 17 years ,6 - 12 years ,above 18 years
    Gender : Boys ,Girls