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Parent of a 9 year of child with epilepsy and developmental delay

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Key Takeaways:

I am a mother of a 9 year old child with epilepsy and developmental delay. I truly believe this is the next step in the world of special needs. A world of sharing information, honest ratings, economical workshops and to top it all, just plain empathy and bonding! This is a place, where you can find therapists of your need, at your location, right from speech to Yoga, occupational therapy to vocational needs. You get all possible information about the therapist at the click of a button. Phone numbers which work (!) 🙂 is a pleasant surprise.

The journey of a family which has a child of special needs is a unique one, endless tiring journey, ups and downs, successes and failures. And then down the line you find some hope, and say ‘Thank You’.

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