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Parent of a teenager on the Autism Spectrum on our support group meets

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Key Takeaways:

“Unity in diversity” was a term I came across when I was in school. Civics class, not the most interesting class to attend:-) Later, I remember helping my daughter write an answer on the same topic for her assignment in civics describing India as a country revelling in and forming her identity from her diversity .

Today I saw the same. All around the table at today’s Nayi Disha support group meeting I saw diversity – mothers, fathers, sister- all from different parts of India, speaking different languages, from different professional walks in life, different skill sets, different hobbies, different ages, different dreams and hopes…different. Different. Different. Different.

What united this awe inspiring group of people is their need, their efforts, their hard work, to give their child, children, sibling the best opportunity to be the best they can. To do what makes them happy. To be independent capable individuals. United in their effort to be a voice for the special person in their family. United in their fight to help them achieve their potential. United in their joy of celebrating milestones. United in their determination to find a place for them in this world. United in helping each other and their loved once overcome challenges. United. United. United. Proud to be part of this microcosm that includes not just those who attended the meeting today but everyone who live, love and work tirelessly for their special ones. As they say in the Star Wars movies “ May the Force Be With You” 

                                                                                                                              –  Parent of a teenager on the Autism Spectrum on our support group meets

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